1. How to setup email in MS Outlook Express Yahoo
a. Open your Outlook Express program, from the Tools menu, then select Accounts, Internet Accounts window select the Add button, then Mail, the Internet Connection Wizard window under the Display name: enter your name or a name that will appear in other people's email nantinya.MIsalnya Iphonkssueb
b. Then press Enter, on the E-mail address: enter your complete email address, for example:, press Enter
c. In the My incoming mail server is a: select POP3, and then on the incoming mail server: fill in while in the outgoing mail server: fill in then press Enter or Next.
d. In the Account name: fill in your email account name or yahoo id, for example iphonkssueb and in the Password: enter your email password. Press Enter or Next then press Finish.
e. Furthermore, please be opened again "Tools", "Accounts", on the Internet Accounts window select the email that you created earlier, then press the "Properties" and select the tab "Advance
f. In the Server Port Number is "Outgoing mail (SMTP)" is filled with 25 while the "Incoming mail (POP3)": fill it with 110. Press the OK button
In order for your yahoo email supports POP3 or can be accessed via Outlook Express or via phone. So do the settings on your yahoo webmail, by logging into your yahoo email through the "" login later on bagianpilih "Options" then locate the "POP Access and Forwarding" and then "web & POP access "then save your settings
B. Setting Google email in Ms Outlook Express
1. Open your Outlook Express program, from the Tools menu, then select Accounts, Internet Accounts window select the Add button, then Mail, the Internet Connection Wizard window under the Display name: enter your name or a name that will appear in other people's email nantinya.MIsalnya Iphonkosim
2. Then press Enter, on the E-mail address: enter your complete email address, for example:, press Enter
3. In the My incoming mail server is a: select POP3, and then on the incoming mail server: fill it with while in the outgoing mail server: fill with then press Enter or Next.
4. In the Account name: fill in your email account name or yahoo id, for example tonyhcl and in the Password: enter your email password. Press Enter or Next then press Finish.
5. then please open again "Tools", "Accounts", on the Internet Accounts window select the email that you created earlier, then press the "Properties" and select the tab "Advance"
6. In the Server Port Number is "Outgoing mail (SMTP)" is filled with 465 while the "Incoming mail (POP3)": fill it with 995. Press the OK button.
To See it please click on the send and receive your email, and good luck.
Setting up email on yahoo and google ms.outlook express
Diposting oleh
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
How to resolve flash disk unreadable
Diposting oleh
Senin, 24 Oktober 2011
I'm sure of us have experienced the same thing, in which Flash disk completely unreadable by the computer, when the flash disk has never experienced any thing.
That makes us more dazed and confused in her, is the computer we actually know of any flash disk with a response icon on the Taskbar, however, the flash disk itself totally illegible.
Ok Directly to the point only.
A. Changing the flash to be enabled.
Flash not detected could be because the flash is in a disabled state. To make the flash is so enabled, it can be done through the device manager.
1. After the flash is plugged in, open the device manager. To open the device manager there are a few ways. The first way to right-click [MyComputer]> [Properties]> select the [Hardware]> [device manager]. The second way is to right click [MyComputer]> [Manage]> [Device manager].
2. Once the device manager window appears, click the [+] on [disk drives].
3. Will display the disk being mounted dikomputer, both disk and flash. If the flash drive there is a red cross mark, means the flash is in a disabled state. To change this done right click on usb flash drive then select the [Enable].
B. Changing the drive letter and paths
1. Go to disk management. Right-click [MyComputer]> [Manage]> [disk management]. On Windows 7: Right-click [Computer]> [Manage]> [Storage]> [disk management].
2. In the right pane, right click the flash drive shobat then select change drive letter and paths.
3.Klik OK and Finish.
I'm sure of us have experienced the same thing, in which Flash disk completely unreadable by the computer, when the flash disk has never experienced any thing.
That makes us more dazed and confused in her, is the computer we actually know of any flash disk with a response icon on the Taskbar, however, the flash disk itself totally illegible.
Ok Directly to the point only.
A. Changing the flash to be enabled.
Flash not detected could be because the flash is in a disabled state. To make the flash is so enabled, it can be done through the device manager.
1. After the flash is plugged in, open the device manager. To open the device manager there are a few ways. The first way to right-click [MyComputer]> [Properties]> select the [Hardware]> [device manager]. The second way is to right click [MyComputer]> [Manage]> [Device manager].
2. Once the device manager window appears, click the [+] on [disk drives].
3. Will display the disk being mounted dikomputer, both disk and flash. If the flash drive there is a red cross mark, means the flash is in a disabled state. To change this done right click on usb flash drive then select the [Enable].
B. Changing the drive letter and paths
1. Go to disk management. Right-click [MyComputer]> [Manage]> [disk management]. On Windows 7: Right-click [Computer]> [Manage]> [Storage]> [disk management].
2. In the right pane, right click the flash drive shobat then select change drive letter and paths.
3.Klik OK and Finish.
Diposting oleh
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
These are some tips so that your facebook account is not hijacked or hacked (hacked), is actually easy and very simple, and for you as a user (the user) that uses a mobile phone please immediately in setting his account on the computer, so more clearly and freely to download his account settings.
Do not display all your profile information, including the Basic Information, Personal Information and Contact Information, especially email addresses, IM screen and Website. (Included in the Group that you created).
Email Address
Suggested email addresses are not displayed in your profile. How: Choose Settings and then click Privacy Settings, then select the Profile menu, then select the Contact Information section, then in the drop down menu IM Screen Name and Email Screen Name transformed into "no one".
For the suggested password does not match the email password, and a minimum of 10 characters (numeric and alphanumeric). Example: webku456987oke. Why the password should be like that?, Because with the format as it would be difficult for the hijackers to randomize your password and do not ever use your birth date password.
This is the third way by the hijackers do to find your email address, because if you supply your personal website address such as Multiply, Blogger, WordPress, Friendster, Twitter, Plurk and others, the pirates are very clever and a lot of sense to look for your email. Therefore if you have a website and include it on Facebook please do not display your email address on your personal website.
Always check the privacy settings on facebookSafety tips Facebook
This is very important, because here where anyone who can arrange to see our facebook, what's on show in our profile. and much more. examine it carefully.
A. Surfing on facebook.1. Create a fake profile data do not make the original profile data directly towards us.
2. For those of you who like to play games or use other third-party applications on facebook. would not hurt to make a new facebook game for the special use application, because when we go in this application shall mean a little market we are willing to give us personal information to third parties.
2. Do not release the update status, such as writing rude words, seronoh and invective because facebook will immediately assume you are violent and will be directly blamed on the lock.
3. Keep in mind when we update the status of our friend on facebook will be able to read. So you should be careful not to update the status update something that could have a negative impact on us.
B. Playing safe in cyber cafes
1. if you open facebook in the cafe please use Notepad and calculator as a virtual replacement keys [prevent hackers using stolen password keyloger as the media]
if your password using digits (0-9)
for example your password is: 17081945
on the calculator application please click on the numbers by using your mouse (due to movement of the mouse could not have been records by keyloger) activate its first Screen keyboard.
then copy and paste in the password.
combination of digits (0-9), letters (az) and (!@#$%^ character and so on)
please type the key letter at random on a notepad. Then copaz only letters, numbers, and symbols of who you use as a password, the password section.
2. Close your account
Always remember to close the (sign out) your account every time you will leave the cafe.
Then suggested to remove the cache / clear private data on the browser you use.The trick Tool - option-clear history.
3. Lastly make sure you play facebook, in the cafe which is safe from hackers and ensure that the cafe does not have spyware / programhack that can be used to hack your account
until a friend here hopefully can help.
These are some tips so that your facebook account is not hijacked or hacked (hacked), is actually easy and very simple, and for you as a user (the user) that uses a mobile phone please immediately in setting his account on the computer, so more clearly and freely to download his account settings.
Do not display all your profile information, including the Basic Information, Personal Information and Contact Information, especially email addresses, IM screen and Website. (Included in the Group that you created).
Email Address
Suggested email addresses are not displayed in your profile. How: Choose Settings and then click Privacy Settings, then select the Profile menu, then select the Contact Information section, then in the drop down menu IM Screen Name and Email Screen Name transformed into "no one".
For the suggested password does not match the email password, and a minimum of 10 characters (numeric and alphanumeric). Example: webku456987oke. Why the password should be like that?, Because with the format as it would be difficult for the hijackers to randomize your password and do not ever use your birth date password.
This is the third way by the hijackers do to find your email address, because if you supply your personal website address such as Multiply, Blogger, WordPress, Friendster, Twitter, Plurk and others, the pirates are very clever and a lot of sense to look for your email. Therefore if you have a website and include it on Facebook please do not display your email address on your personal website.
Always check the privacy settings on facebookSafety tips Facebook
This is very important, because here where anyone who can arrange to see our facebook, what's on show in our profile. and much more. examine it carefully.
A. Surfing on facebook.1. Create a fake profile data do not make the original profile data directly towards us.
2. For those of you who like to play games or use other third-party applications on facebook. would not hurt to make a new facebook game for the special use application, because when we go in this application shall mean a little market we are willing to give us personal information to third parties.
2. Do not release the update status, such as writing rude words, seronoh and invective because facebook will immediately assume you are violent and will be directly blamed on the lock.
3. Keep in mind when we update the status of our friend on facebook will be able to read. So you should be careful not to update the status update something that could have a negative impact on us.
B. Playing safe in cyber cafes
1. if you open facebook in the cafe please use Notepad and calculator as a virtual replacement keys [prevent hackers using stolen password keyloger as the media]
if your password using digits (0-9)
for example your password is: 17081945
on the calculator application please click on the numbers by using your mouse (due to movement of the mouse could not have been records by keyloger) activate its first Screen keyboard.
then copy and paste in the password.
combination of digits (0-9), letters (az) and (!@#$%^ character and so on)
please type the key letter at random on a notepad. Then copaz only letters, numbers, and symbols of who you use as a password, the password section.
2. Close your account
Always remember to close the (sign out) your account every time you will leave the cafe.
Then suggested to remove the cache / clear private data on the browser you use.The trick Tool - option-clear history.
3. Lastly make sure you play facebook, in the cafe which is safe from hackers and ensure that the cafe does not have spyware / programhack that can be used to hack your account
until a friend here hopefully can help.
kinds of errors on the computer
Diposting oleh
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
kinds of errors on the computer
There may never know meaning and purpose of an error message that appears on your PC, which you know for sure kabanyakan most just need the restart, but mean your PC is not what you think.
I'll try to Share about your PC mean why give Error message on her all the error messages that could lead to the System or your PC hardware.

Attempted Write To Readonly Memory (stop code 0X000000BE)Usually the problem is due to an error in the driver or service. If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). And browse to the driver in accordance with its Operating System.
Bad Pool Caller (stop code 0x000000C2)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. Additionally, this error can also be caused by faulty hardware / disability. If you encounter this message while upgrading to Windows, it may mean that the hardware is not compatible with Windows. Try disconnecting devices, or looking for a suitable driver for Windwos her.
Data Bus Error (stop code 0x0000002E)This problem is usually caused because there is damage / defects in the hardware, usually memory. In addition to defects in memory could also be due to damage to the motherboard, hard drive, replace the hardware ...
Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal (stop code 0x000000D1)Caused drivers to access hardware address that is not appropriate. Can also be caused by problems such as the "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. See a problem "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory" above.
Driver Power State Failure (stop code 0X0000009F)Caused not suitable / compatible between the "computer's power management" with the drivers or services that are running. Commonly occurs when the computer is doing "hibernation". If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). Or try to disable 'Windows' support for power management ".
Driver Unloaded Without canceling Pending Operations (stop code 0X000000CE)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. See a problem "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory" above.
Driver Used Excessive PTEs (stop code 0X000000D)Look at the problem of "No More System PTEs," below.
Hardware Interrupt Storm (stop code 0X000000F2)Problems arise when a hardware (USB or SCSI controller) fails to "remove" an IRQ. Failure is usually caused by problems in the driver. Besides these problems can also arise because of the two devices use the same IRQ.
Inaccessible Boot Device (stop code 0x0000007B)Usually this problem arises at Windows startup if Windows can not read data on the system boot partition. Can also be caused by hard disk errors, defects boot.ini file (corrupted). If there is no problem on the disk drive, partition and the boot.ini file (when the two Operating Systems installed) try to check the boot settings in the BIOS. If this problem munculketika're doing an upgrade of Windows, it may mean that the hardware is not compatible with Windows. Try disconnecting devices, or looking for a suitable driver for Windwos her.
Kernel Data Inpage Error (stop code 0X0000007A)Problems arise in virtual memory, usually because windows can not read or write data to the swap file. Possible causes include bad sectors, virus, memory defects, or even damage the motherboard.Kernel Stack Inpage Error (stop code 0X00000077)The cause is similar to the problem of "Kernel Data Inpage Error," above.
Kmode Exception Not Handled (stop code 0x0000001E)Usually the problem is due to an error in the driver or service, konfilk IRQ. If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). This problem can also be caused due to lack of space on the disk during installation.
No More System PTEs (stop code 0X0000003F)The problem arises because Windows shortage of Page Table Entries (PTEs). PTEs are used to perform mapping RAM. Where the mapping is done by the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM). This problem can also arise when you use multiple monitors.If this error often, try to increase the allocation for PTEs on Windows in the following way: I· Open the Registry Editor.· View at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro l \ Session Manager \ Memory Management· Double-click on PagedPoolSize, enter its value 0, click OK.· Then double-click on the SystemPages. If using multiple monitors, enter a value of 36000. Also enter a value of 40 000 if the RAM of 128MB or less. If the RAM 128MB or more enter a value of 110 000.· Once finished, click OK, close the Registry Editor and restart the computer. when you're done. The change take effect Pls Will you restart Windows.
NTFS File System (stop code 0x00000024)Error due to the problems reported by Ntfs.sys (driver functions to read and write NTFS). If you are still using FAT 32 file system, an error message which arise will be similar (stop code 0X00000023). This problem can be overcome by replacing your hard drive.
Page Fault In Nonpaged Area (stop code 0x00000050)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above.
Status Image Checksum Mismatch (stop code 0xc0000221)Possible causes of this error is damage to the swap file, or a corrupted driver.
Solution 1: You can use Driver Rollback or System Restore from safe mode, to restore the previous driver. You also can use Windows XP Professional recovery features such as the Last Known Good Configuration startup option, Backup, or Automated System Recovery to restore the previous working configuration. After returning from the backup media, you may need to reapply service packs or hotfixes, depending on when the backups done.
Solution 2: If the Stop message names a specific file, try replacing it manually with a copy of Windows XP Professional operating system CD in safe mode or Recovery Console. For systems that use FAT16 or FAT32 file system, you have the option to use Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Emergency Boot Disk to access the hard disk.If the original file from the operating system CD has a file name that ends with an underscore (_) character, you can not use files to uncompressed. Recovery Console's Copy command is ideal for copying compressed files because it detects and expands them. If you do not specify a destination file name, you must rename the expanded file with the correct extension before using it. From safe mode or Recovery Console, you can use the Expand command to uncompress and copy files to the destination location. In Recovery Console, the expanded files are named correctly after being copied to the destination location. For more information about the Copy or Expand commands, see Windows XP Help and Support Centre.
Status System Process terminated (stop code 0Xc000021A)Caused a problem with Winlogon.exe or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS). Can also be caused by a user with administrator-level permissions to change an important files on Windows systems.
Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap (stop code 0x0000007F)This error is generally caused by defective memory, motherboard or damage prossesor high temperatures (usually happen because of overclocking).
Unmountable Boot Volume (stop code 0X000000ED)Caused because Windows can not "mount" boot volume. See also the section "Boot Device inaccessible,"
Maybe it's better you write down this type of error message and you save it in Notepad or whatever that is easy to see when this error message appears.
kinds of errors on the computer
There may never know meaning and purpose of an error message that appears on your PC, which you know for sure kabanyakan most just need the restart, but mean your PC is not what you think.
I'll try to Share about your PC mean why give Error message on her all the error messages that could lead to the System or your PC hardware.

Attempted Write To Readonly Memory (stop code 0X000000BE)Usually the problem is due to an error in the driver or service. If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). And browse to the driver in accordance with its Operating System.
Bad Pool Caller (stop code 0x000000C2)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. Additionally, this error can also be caused by faulty hardware / disability. If you encounter this message while upgrading to Windows, it may mean that the hardware is not compatible with Windows. Try disconnecting devices, or looking for a suitable driver for Windwos her.
Data Bus Error (stop code 0x0000002E)This problem is usually caused because there is damage / defects in the hardware, usually memory. In addition to defects in memory could also be due to damage to the motherboard, hard drive, replace the hardware ...
Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal (stop code 0x000000D1)Caused drivers to access hardware address that is not appropriate. Can also be caused by problems such as the "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. See a problem "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory" above.
Driver Power State Failure (stop code 0X0000009F)Caused not suitable / compatible between the "computer's power management" with the drivers or services that are running. Commonly occurs when the computer is doing "hibernation". If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). Or try to disable 'Windows' support for power management ".
Driver Unloaded Without canceling Pending Operations (stop code 0X000000CE)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. See a problem "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory" above.
Driver Used Excessive PTEs (stop code 0X000000D)Look at the problem of "No More System PTEs," below.
Hardware Interrupt Storm (stop code 0X000000F2)Problems arise when a hardware (USB or SCSI controller) fails to "remove" an IRQ. Failure is usually caused by problems in the driver. Besides these problems can also arise because of the two devices use the same IRQ.
Inaccessible Boot Device (stop code 0x0000007B)Usually this problem arises at Windows startup if Windows can not read data on the system boot partition. Can also be caused by hard disk errors, defects boot.ini file (corrupted). If there is no problem on the disk drive, partition and the boot.ini file (when the two Operating Systems installed) try to check the boot settings in the BIOS. If this problem munculketika're doing an upgrade of Windows, it may mean that the hardware is not compatible with Windows. Try disconnecting devices, or looking for a suitable driver for Windwos her.
Kernel Data Inpage Error (stop code 0X0000007A)Problems arise in virtual memory, usually because windows can not read or write data to the swap file. Possible causes include bad sectors, virus, memory defects, or even damage the motherboard.Kernel Stack Inpage Error (stop code 0X00000077)The cause is similar to the problem of "Kernel Data Inpage Error," above.
Kmode Exception Not Handled (stop code 0x0000001E)Usually the problem is due to an error in the driver or service, konfilk IRQ. If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). This problem can also be caused due to lack of space on the disk during installation.
No More System PTEs (stop code 0X0000003F)The problem arises because Windows shortage of Page Table Entries (PTEs). PTEs are used to perform mapping RAM. Where the mapping is done by the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM). This problem can also arise when you use multiple monitors.If this error often, try to increase the allocation for PTEs on Windows in the following way: I· Open the Registry Editor.· View at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro l \ Session Manager \ Memory Management· Double-click on PagedPoolSize, enter its value 0, click OK.· Then double-click on the SystemPages. If using multiple monitors, enter a value of 36000. Also enter a value of 40 000 if the RAM of 128MB or less. If the RAM 128MB or more enter a value of 110 000.· Once finished, click OK, close the Registry Editor and restart the computer. when you're done. The change take effect Pls Will you restart Windows.
NTFS File System (stop code 0x00000024)Error due to the problems reported by Ntfs.sys (driver functions to read and write NTFS). If you are still using FAT 32 file system, an error message which arise will be similar (stop code 0X00000023). This problem can be overcome by replacing your hard drive.
Page Fault In Nonpaged Area (stop code 0x00000050)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above.
Status Image Checksum Mismatch (stop code 0xc0000221)Possible causes of this error is damage to the swap file, or a corrupted driver.
Solution 1: You can use Driver Rollback or System Restore from safe mode, to restore the previous driver. You also can use Windows XP Professional recovery features such as the Last Known Good Configuration startup option, Backup, or Automated System Recovery to restore the previous working configuration. After returning from the backup media, you may need to reapply service packs or hotfixes, depending on when the backups done.
Solution 2: If the Stop message names a specific file, try replacing it manually with a copy of Windows XP Professional operating system CD in safe mode or Recovery Console. For systems that use FAT16 or FAT32 file system, you have the option to use Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Emergency Boot Disk to access the hard disk.If the original file from the operating system CD has a file name that ends with an underscore (_) character, you can not use files to uncompressed. Recovery Console's Copy command is ideal for copying compressed files because it detects and expands them. If you do not specify a destination file name, you must rename the expanded file with the correct extension before using it. From safe mode or Recovery Console, you can use the Expand command to uncompress and copy files to the destination location. In Recovery Console, the expanded files are named correctly after being copied to the destination location. For more information about the Copy or Expand commands, see Windows XP Help and Support Centre.
Status System Process terminated (stop code 0Xc000021A)Caused a problem with Winlogon.exe or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS). Can also be caused by a user with administrator-level permissions to change an important files on Windows systems.
Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap (stop code 0x0000007F)This error is generally caused by defective memory, motherboard or damage prossesor high temperatures (usually happen because of overclocking).
Unmountable Boot Volume (stop code 0X000000ED)Caused because Windows can not "mount" boot volume. See also the section "Boot Device inaccessible,"
Maybe it's better you write down this type of error message and you save it in Notepad or whatever that is easy to see when this error message appears.
how to solve error bX-u5aad6 on blogspot
Diposting oleh
Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
I just want to share information only, like where the origin of this error bX-u5aad6 can arise and make us not able to login, it's in because we have too long not update the blog so it comes the error like this, but you do not worry to overcome errors bX-u5aad6 for this error is only machine-made and man-made machines must still no solution. What is the solution of this solution:
1. You only need to log in via with ID and Password same as In a draft of this blogger you are still able to access and manage accounts at your blog like
2. Then, add a new admin on your blog, to add a new admin the following way:
1. Login to
2. Click on Settings
3. Permissions section click the Add Authors
Fill in the email that the new admin.
Confirm by clicking the link that sent bloggers into a new admin email inbox.
well now you are able to login with a new email, but you only have the right to write on the blog. Well, that new mail has admin equivalent rights, please login with your old email account on, then on the author, give admin rights on the new email by clicking the down arrow on the right side of the list author.
If you want to keep using in writing and managing the blog, can use this way.
Login via with ID and Password just like
Then, change the settings you bloggers from other language support.
Sign Out of your blogger account draft.
Try logging into as usual.
Feel the difference and the sensation may help fellow bloggers.
I just want to share information only, like where the origin of this error bX-u5aad6 can arise and make us not able to login, it's in because we have too long not update the blog so it comes the error like this, but you do not worry to overcome errors bX-u5aad6 for this error is only machine-made and man-made machines must still no solution. What is the solution of this solution:
1. You only need to log in via with ID and Password same as In a draft of this blogger you are still able to access and manage accounts at your blog like
2. Then, add a new admin on your blog, to add a new admin the following way:
1. Login to
2. Click on Settings
3. Permissions section click the Add Authors
Fill in the email that the new admin.
Confirm by clicking the link that sent bloggers into a new admin email inbox.
well now you are able to login with a new email, but you only have the right to write on the blog. Well, that new mail has admin equivalent rights, please login with your old email account on, then on the author, give admin rights on the new email by clicking the down arrow on the right side of the list author.
If you want to keep using in writing and managing the blog, can use this way.
Login via with ID and Password just like
Then, change the settings you bloggers from other language support.
Sign Out of your blogger account draft.
Try logging into as usual.
Feel the difference and the sensation may help fellow bloggers.
here's a list of fake antivirus
Diposting oleh
Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011
The list of fake Antivirus which issued by Microsoft, the following list.
* Ad Butcher
* AdArmor
* AdDriller
* AddwareRemover
* Addwere
* Ad-Eliminator
* AdEradicator
* AdFlusher
* Ad-Protect
* AdProtector
* Ad-Purge Adware & Spyware Remover
* ADS Adware Remover
* Ads Alert
* AdScrub
* AdStriker
* AdsZapper
* Advanced Antivirus
* Advanced Spyware Detect
* Advanced Spyware Remover
* Advanced Virus Remover
* AdvancedCleaner
* AdvancedXPDefender
* AdvancedXPFixer
* Adware & Spyware Firewall
* Adware Agent
* Adware Bazooka
* Adware Butcher
* Adware Cops
* Adware Filter
* Adware Hitman
* AdWare Pro 2009
* Adware Punisher
* Adware Remover
* Adware Remover Gold
* Adware Sheriff
* AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal
* Adware Striker
* Adware/Spyware Remover
* AdwareAlert
* AdwareBlaster
* AdwareBlocker
* AdwareCatch
* AdwareCatcher
* AdwareCheck
* AdwareChecker
* AdwareCleaner
* AdwareCrusher
* AdwareDelete
* AdwareDeluxe
* AdwareDestroyer
* AdwareDetect
* AdwareEradicator
* AdwareEraser
* AdwareFinder
* AdwareFlush
* AdwareFlusher
* AdwareGuard
* AdwareGuardian
* AdwareHunter
* AdwareInspector
* Adware-Nuker
* AdwarePatrol
* AdwarePolice
* AdwarePro
* AdwarePunisher
* AdwareRemover
* AdwareSafe
* AdwareSafety
* AdwareSanitizer
* AdwareScanner
* AdwareScrub
* AdwareScrubber
* AdwareSheriff
* AdwareShield
* AdwareShredder
* AdwareSpy
* AdwareSquash
* AdwareSquasher
* AdwareStopper
* AdwareStriker
* AdwareSweep
* AdwareSweeper
* AdwareTerminator
* AdwareTools
* AdwareWasher
* AdwareWatch
* AdwareWipe
* AdwareX
* AdwareX Eliminator
* AdwareZapper
* Ad-Where 2005
* Agent Spyware
* AgentSpyware
* AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover
* AGuardDog Suite
* AlertSpy
* AlfaCleaner
* ANG AntiVirus 09
* Anti Virus Pro
* AntieSpiaDorado
* AntieSpionsPack
* AntiGusanos2008
* AntiMalware 2009
* AntiMalwareGuard
* AntiMalwareSuite
* AntiRogue Killer (AntiRogueKiller)
* AntiSpionage
* AntiSpionagePro
* AntiSpy
* AntiSpy Advanced
* Antispy Protector 2009
* AntiSpyBoss
* AntiSpyCheck
* AntiSpyGolden
* AntiSpyGuard
* AntiSpyKit
* AntiSpyPro
* AntispySpider
* AntiSpyStorm
* AntiSpyStorm2008
* Antispyware 2008 XP (Antispyware2008XP)
* AntiSpyware 3000
* Anti-Spyware Blocker
* Antispyware Expert
* Antispyware Pro 2009
* Antispyware PRO XP
* AntiSpyware Protector
* AntiSpyware Soldier
* Antispyware Suite
* Antispyware3000
* AntiSpywareBot
* AntiSpywareControl
* AntiSpywareDeluxe
* Antispywareexpert
* AntiSpywareGuard
* AntiSpywareMaster
* AntiSpywareShield
* AntiSpywareSuite
* AntiSpywareUpdates
* AntiSpywareXP 2009
* AntiSpyZone
* AntiThiefWare
* AntiVer2008
* AntiVermeans
* AntiVermins
* AntiVerminser
* Antivir64
* AntivirDoc
* AntiVirGear
* AntiVirProtect
* Antivirus ‘09
* Antivirus 2008 PRO
* Antivirus 2008 XP (Antivirus2008XP)
* Antivirus 2009
* Antivirus 2009 Plus
* Antivirus 2010
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus Agent Pro
* Anti-Virus and Spyware
* Anti-Virus and Trojan
* Antivirus Email
* AntiVirus Gold
* AntiVirus Golden
* AntiVirus Lab 2009
* Antivirus Master (AV Master)
* Anti-Virus Number 1
* Antivirus Plasma
* Antivirus Plus
* Antivirus Pro 2009 AntivirusPro 2009
* Antivirus Protection
* AntiVirus Protector
* Antivirus Security
* Antivirus Sentry
* Antivirus Solution
* Antivirus System Pro
* Antivirus XP 2008 (AntivirusXP2008)
* Antivirus XP Pro
* Antivirus XP Pro 2009
* AntiVirusAdvance
* AntivirusBest
* AntivirusForAll
* AntivirusGold
* AntiVirusPCSuite
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntiWorm2008
* AntiWurm2008
* AnyCleaner
* ArmorWall
* ASC-AntiSpyware
* Astrum Antivirus Pro
* AV Antispyware
* AVCare
* AVSystemCare
* Awola
* Barracuda Antivirus
* BazookaBar
* BestGuardPlatinum
* BestsellerAntivirus
* BlockDefense
* Botsquash
* BPS Security Console
* BPS Spyware & Adware Remover
* BPS Spyware Remover
* BraveSentry
* BreakSpyware
* BugDoctor
* BugsDestroyer
* CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005
* CleanerMaster
* CleanX
* CoffeeCup Spyware Remover
* Computer Defender 2009
* Consumer Identity
* ContentEraser
* Contraviro
* ContraVirus
* Copperhead AntiSpyware
* CryptDrive
* CurePcSolutions Anti-Spyware
* CyberDefender
* DataHealer
* DefenseAntiMalware
* Defenza
* Deus Cleaner
* DIARemover
* DioCleaner
* DiscErrorFree
* DisqudurProtection
* Doctor Adware
* Doctor Adware Pro
* Doctor Alex
* Doctor Antivirus 2008
* DoctorAdwarePro
* DoctorCleaner
* DoctorVaccine
* DrAntispy
* Draze Toolbar
* DriveCleaner
* DriveCleaner 2006
* DrProtection
* eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign
* EAdwareKiller
* EAdwareRemoval
* EAdwareRemover
* EAntiSpyware
* eAntivirusPro
* Easy Erase Spyware Remover
* Easy SpyRemover
* Easy Spyware Killer
* Easy Spyware Scanner
* EasySprinter
* Elimiware
* Emco Malware Bouncer
* ErrClean
* Error Doctor 2008
* Error Fix (ErrorFix)
* Error Fixer
* Error Scan and Fix
* ErrorDigger
* ErrorDoctor
* ErrorInspector
* ErrorKiller
* ErrorNuker
* ErrorProtector
* ErrorSafe
* ESpywareBlocker
* ESpywareDefender
* ESpywareKiller
* ESpywareRemoval
* ESpywareRemover
* ESpywareScanner
* ETD Security Scanner
* Evidence Eliminator
* Evidence Eraser Pro
* E-Wall Antivirus
* ExpertAntivirus
* eXPress Antivirus
* eXPress Antivirus 2009
* Extra Antivir
* Extra Antivirus
* EZVideo
* Fast Antivirus 09 (FastAntivirus 09)
* FastCleaner
* FileFix
* Files Secure 2.2
* Filterprogram
* FiltroDeTrojan
* Fix Registry Errors
* Fix Tool
* FixerAntispy
* Fixiter
* Flobo Free Anti Spyware Clean
* Flobo Spyware Clean
* Free Spyware Adware Scanner and Remover
* AntiSpyware
* Froggie Scan
* FullSystemProtection
* GarbageClean
* General Antivirus
* GoldenAntiSpy
* GoodbyeSpy
* GuardBar
* GuardCenter
* Guard-X 2009
* HardDiskVakt
* HDriveSweeper
* HitSpy
* HitVirus
* Home Antivirus 2010
* HomeAntivirus 2009
* IC Spyware Scanner
* IE AntiVirus
* IE Defender
* IE-Security
* IHateAdware
* InfeStop
* Intelinet Anti-Spyware
* Intelligent Spyware Cleaner
* Internet Antivirus
* Internet Cleanup
* InternetAntiSpy
* InternetShield
* iSafe AntiVirus
* iSpyKiller
* JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer
* KaZaaP
* Keep Your Privacy
* KeineGefahr
* KillAllSpyware
* KillAndClean
* KillSpy
* KnowHowProtection
* KVMSecureis
* LastDefender
* LiveAntispy
* LiveKill
* LiveProtect
* LiveProtection
* MacroAV
* MagicAntispy
* Malware Bell
* Malware Catcher
* Malware Defender 2009
* Malware Destructor
* Malware Doctor
* Malware Scanner
* Malware Stopper
* MalwareAlarm
* MalwareBot
* MalwareBurn
* MalwareCleaner
* MalwareCore
* MalwareDestructor
* MalwareDoc
* MalwarePatrol Pro
* MalwarePro
* MalwareProtector 2008
* MalwareScanner
* MalwareStopper
* MalwaresWipeds
* MalwareWar
* MalwareWipe
* MalwareWipe Pro
* MalwareWiped
* MalwareWiper
* Malwarrior
* MalWhere
* Max Privacy Protector
* MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser)
* MenaceRescue
* MenaceSecure
* MicroAntivirus (Micro Antivirus 2009)
* Mr.AntiSpy
* MS Antispyware 2009
* MS Antivirus
* My Privacy
* My Supervisor
* MyBugFreePc
* MyNetProtector
* MyPCTuneUp
* MySpyFreePC
* MySPyProtector
* NadadeVirus
* Nano Antivirus
* NeoSpace
* Neospace Internet Security
* NetBrowserPro
* Netcom3 Cleaner
* NetPumper
* NetSpyProtector
* NoAdware
* Norton Security Scan
* No-Spy / Sin-EspÃas ** (ver nota 1)
* NoSpyX
* NoWayVirus
* Online Privacy Pro
* OnlineGuard
* OrantieSpion
* OSBOdyGuard
* Oxford Spyware Remover
* Page Cannot Be Displayed
* PAL Emergency Response
* PAL Spyware Remover
* PAntispyware09
* PC AdWare SpyWare Removal
* PC Antispyware 2010
* PC Defender 2008
* PC Error Eliminator
* PC Health Plan
* PC Protection Center 2008
* PC Security 2009
* PCAntiMalware
* Pc-Antispyware
* PCArmor
* Pc-Cleaner
* PCCleaner 2007
* pcOrion
* PCPrivacyCleaner
* PCPrivacyDefender
* PcSecureSystem
* PCSleek Error Cleaner
* PCVirusless
* Perfect Defender 2009
* PerfectCleaner
* PerformanceOptimizer
* Personal Antivirus
* Personal Defender 2009
* PestBot
* PestCapture
* Pest-Patrol
* PestProtector
* PestSweeper
* PestTrap
* PestWiper
* PornoPlayer
* Power Antivirus 2009
* Privacy Center
* Privacy Champion
* Privacy Commander
* Privacy Components
* Privacy Crusader
* Privacy Defender
* Privacy Fusion
* Privacy Keeper
* Privacy Protection Suite
* Privacy Redeemer
* Privacy Tools 2004
* Privacy Tools Pack
* PrivacyCrusader
* PrivacyGuardPro
* PrivacyProtector
* PrivacyRedeemer
* PrivacyWatcher
* Pro Antispyware 2009
* ProAntiSpy
* Protect Your Identity
* ProtectingTool
* Protection System
* PSGuard
* PureSafetyHere
* PurityScan / PuritySweep
* PyroAntiSpy 2.2
* QuickCleaner
* Rapid Antivirus 2009
* RapidAntivirus
* RaptorDefence
* RazeSpyware
* Real AdWareRemoverGold
* Real AntiSpyware
* Real Antivirus
* Real Antivirus
* RealAV
* RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover
* RegFix Pro
* RegFreeze
* Registry Cleaner
* Registry Defender Platinum
* Registry Doc 2006
* Registry Doctor
* Registry Doctor 2008
* Registry Fix It
* Registry Optimizer 2007
* Registry Repair 2006
* RegistryCare
* RegistryCleanerXP
* RegistryCleanFixer
* RegistryFox
* RegTool
* RemedyAntiSpy
* RemoveIT Pro
* Renus 2008
* RescateDeAmenazas
* Restore My Files
* Safe & Clean (Scan & Clean)
* SafeAndClean
* Safeguard 2009
* SafePcTool
* SaferScan
* SafeStrip
* SafetyCenter
* SafeWebSurfer
* SamuraiSpy
* SaveDefense
* SaveKeep
* SaveSoldier
* Scan & Repair Utilities 2006
* Scan and Repair Utilities 2007
* ScanSpyware
* Scumware-Remover
* SearchAndDestroy
* Secret Service
* Secure Expert Cleaner
* SecureMyPC
* Security 2009
* Security Central
* Security iGuard
* Security Mechanic
* Security Scanner 2008
* SiteTicket
* SlimShield
* Smart Antivirus 2009 (SmartAntivirus2009)
* Smart Defender Pro
* Smart Protector
* Smart Virus Eliminator
* SmartSecurity
* Smitfraud
* SmitfraudFixTool
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpwareRemoval
* SpwareRemover
* Spy Analyst
* Spy Annihilator
* Spy Cleaner Platinum
* Spy Crusher
* Spy Defence
* Spy Detector
* Spy Emergency 2005
* Spy Guardian Pro
* Spy iBlock
* Spy Officer
* Spy Reaper
* Spy Shredder
* Spy Sniper
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Stalker
* Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro
* SpyAdvanced
* SpyAssassin
* SpyAssault
* SpyAway
* SpyAxe
* SpyBan
* SpyBeware
* SpyBlast
* Spy-Block
* SpyBlocs/
* SpyBouncer
* SpyBurn
* SpyBuster
* SpyButcher
* SpyClean
* SpyCleaner
* SpyContra
* Spy-Control
* SpyCrush
* SpyCut
* SpyDawn
* SpyDeface
* SpyDeleter
* SpyDemolisher
* SpyDestroy Pro
* SpyDevastator
* SpyDoctor
* SpyEliminator
* SpyFalcon
* SpyFerret
* SpyFighter
* SpyFighterPro
* SpyFirewall
* SpyFlusher
* SpyGuarder
* SpyGuardian Pro
* SpyHazard
* SpyHeal
* SpyHunter
* SpyiBlock
* SpyiKiller
* Spyinator
* Spy-Kill
* SpyKiller
* SpyKiller 2005
* SpyKillerPro
* SpyLax
* SpyLocked
* SpyMarshal
* SpyMaxx
* SpyNoMore
* SpyOfficer
* SpyOnThis
* SpyOnThis
* Spy-Out
* SpyProtector Spy Protector
* SpyPry
* SpyReaper
* SpyRemover
* Spy-Rid
* SpySanitizer
* SpySheriff
* SpyShield
* Spy-SHield
* SpyShredder
* SpySnipe
* SpySoap
* SpySoldier
* SpySpotter
* SpySquash
* SpyStriker
* SpyToaster
* SpyTrooper
* SpyVampire
* SpyVest
* SpyViper
* Spyware & Adware Removal
* Spyware & Pest Remover
* Spyware & Pop-Up Utility
* Spyware Annihilator
* Spyware Annihilator Pro
* Spyware B1aster
* Spyware Bomber
* Spyware C.O.P.
* Spyware Catch
* Spyware Cleaner
* Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker
* Spyware Cops
* Spyware Defense
* Spyware Destroyer
* Spyware Detector
* Spyware Disinfector
* Spyware Fighter
* Spyware Guard 2008
* Spyware Guard 2009
* Spyware Hospital
* Spyware Immobilizer
* Spyware IT
* SpyWare Killer
* Spyware Knight
* Spyware Medic
* Spyware Nuker
* Spyware Nuker XT
* Spyware Protect 2009
* Spyware Protection Pro
* Spyware Quake
* Spyware Removal Wizard
* Spyware Remover (
* Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced)
* Spyware Scrapper
* SpyWare Secure
* Spyware Seizer
* Spyware Sheriff
* Spyware Shield
* Spyware Slayer
* Spyware Sledgehammer
* Spyware Snooper
* Spyware Soft Stop
* Spyware Stormer
* Spyware Striker Pro
* Spyware Suite 2005
* Spyware Terminator 4 (de
* Spyware Vanisher
* Spyware Wizard
* SpywareAnnihilatorPro
* SpywareAssassin
* SpywareAvenger
* SpywareBeGone
* SpywareBomb
* SpywareBot
* SpywareButcher
* SpywareCleaner
* SpywareCrusher
* SpywareDetector
* SpywareFlusher
* SpywareHeal
* SpywareHound
* SpywareIsolator
* SpywareKill
* SpywareKilla
* SpywareKnight
* SpywareLocked
* SpywareLocker
* SpywareNo!
* SpywarePolice
* SpywarePro
* SPYwareRemover
* SpywareRemover 2009
* SpywareScanner 2008
* SpywareScrub
* Spyware-Secure
* SpywareSeeker
* SpywareShield
* SpywareSoftStop
* SpywareSquash
* SpywareSterilizer
* SpywareStop
* Spyware-Stop
* SpywareStrike
* Spyware-Sweeper
* SpywareSweeperPro
* SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System
* SpywareThis
* SpywareWipe
* SpywareXP
* SpywareZapper
* SpyWatchE
* SpyWiper
* Spyzooka
* StartGuard
* StopGuard
* StopingSpy
* StopItBlockIt 2005
* StorageProtector
* SunShine Spy
* SunShineSpy
* Super Spyware Remover
* SuperSpywareKiller
* SwiftCleaner
* SysAntivirus 2009
* SysKontroller
* SysProtect
* System Antivirus 2008
* System Detective
* System doctor
* System Guard 2009
* System Guard Center
* System Live Protect
* System Protector
* System Security 2009
* System Tuner
* SystemBooster2009
* SystemDefender
* SystemDoctor
* SystemErrorFixer
* SystemSecurity
* SystemStable
* TeoSoft Anti-Spyware
* Terminator 2009
* Terminexor
* The Adware Hunter
* The SpyGuard
* The Spyware Detective
* The Spyware Shield
* The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover
* The Web Shield
* TheSpyBot
* TheSpywareKiller
* Titan AntiSpyware
* TitanShield AntiSpyware
* Top10Reviews SpyScan
* Total Defender
* Total Protect 2009
* Total Secure2009
* Total Security
* Total Virus Protection
* Trace Sweeper (TraceSweeper)
* Trojan Guarder Gold
* TrojanerFilter
* TrojansFilter
* TrojansFiltre
* TrojansKiller
* True Sword
* TrueWatch
* Trust Cleaner
* TrustedAntivirus
* TrustedProtection
* TrustNinja
* TrustSoft AntiSpyware
* TZ Spyware Adware Remover
* TZ Spyware Remover
* UControl
* Ultimate Antivirus 2008
* Ultimate Cleaner
* Ultimate Defender
* Ultimate Fixer
* UltimateCleaner
* UltimateCleaner 2007
* Ultimatefixer2007
* Ultimate-Spyware Adware Remover
* Ultra Antivir 2009
* Ultra Antivirus 2009
* Unigray
* UnSpyPC
* Unvirex
* VBouncer/AdDestroyer
* Vip Antispyware
* VIPAntiSpyware
* Virus Doctor
* Virus Remover Professional
* Virus Shield
* Virus Sweeper
* VirusAlarma
* VirusBlast
* VirusBlaster
* VirusBlasters
* VirusBurst
* VirusBursters
* VirusEffaceur
* VirusGuard
* VirusHeal
* Virus-Kill
* VirusLocker
* VirusMelt
* VirusProtect
* VirusProtectPro 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 3.7
* VirusRanger
* VirusRay
* VirusRemover 2009
* VirusRescue
* VirusResponse Lab 2009
* Virusschlacht
* VirusTrigger
* Vista Antivirus 2008 (VistaAntivirus 2008)
* Vitae Antivirus
* WareOut Spyware Remover
* WebSafe Spyware Secure
* WebSpyShield
* Win Antivir 2008 (WinAntivir 2008)
* WinAntiSpyware 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntispyware 2008
* WinAntivirus 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntiVirus Pro 2006
* Winantivirus pro 2007
* WinAntivirusVista-XP
* WinBlueSoft
* WinCleaner 2009
* Wincleaner AntiSpyware
* WinDefender 2009
* Windows AntiVirus (Windows AntiVirus 2008)
* Windows Antivirus Pro
* Windows Protection Suite
* Windows Security Suite
* Windows System Suite
* WinFix Master
* WinFixer
* WinFixer 2005
* WinFixMaster / WinFix Master
* Winhound Spyware Remover
* WiniBlueSoft
* WiniFighter
* WiniGuard
* WiniShield
* Winkeeper
* WinPC Antivirus
* WinPC Defender
* WinPerformance
* WinProtector 3.8 (Win Protector 3.8)
* Winreanimator
* winsecureav
* WinSecureAv
* WinSecureDisc
* WinSOS
* WinSpyControl
* WinSpyKiller
* WinSpywareProtect
* Winweb Security
* WinX Security Center 2.2
* WinXDefender
* Winxprotector
* WorldAntiSpy
* X-Con Spyware Destroyer
* Xmembytes AntiSpyware
* XP Antispyware 2009
* XP Antivirus (XP Antivirus 2008)
* XP Deluxe Protector
* XP Police Antivirus
* XP Protector 2009
* XPAntivirus
* XpCleanerPro
* XpCleanerPro
* XPert Antivirus
* XP-Shield
* XpyBurner
* Xspyware
* X-Spyware
* XSRemover
* XXXAccess
* YourPrivacyGuard
* ZeroSpyware
* Zinaps Anti-Spyware
* ZoneProtect AntiSpyware
how to overcome fake Antivirus
to eradicate this fake antivirus, can not be done only with one kind of antivirus software, should be done with a combination of some software. In general, the way to eradicate most of the antivirus is as follows:
1. Restart your computer and go into safe mode with networking (by pressing the F8 key just before the entrance to the windows)
2. Install and run SuperAntiSpyware
3. Restart your PC and go back into safe mode with networking
4. Install MalwareBytes and run a full system scan
5. Restart the PC once again and use your own antivirus (I recommend using the Microsoft Security Essentials)
Ok, Hope Can Help comrades all.
The list of fake Antivirus which issued by Microsoft, the following list.
* Ad Butcher
* AdArmor
* AdDriller
* AddwareRemover
* Addwere
* Ad-Eliminator
* AdEradicator
* AdFlusher
* Ad-Protect
* AdProtector
* Ad-Purge Adware & Spyware Remover
* ADS Adware Remover
* Ads Alert
* AdScrub
* AdStriker
* AdsZapper
* Advanced Antivirus
* Advanced Spyware Detect
* Advanced Spyware Remover
* Advanced Virus Remover
* AdvancedCleaner
* AdvancedXPDefender
* AdvancedXPFixer
* Adware & Spyware Firewall
* Adware Agent
* Adware Bazooka
* Adware Butcher
* Adware Cops
* Adware Filter
* Adware Hitman
* AdWare Pro 2009
* Adware Punisher
* Adware Remover
* Adware Remover Gold
* Adware Sheriff
* AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal
* Adware Striker
* Adware/Spyware Remover
* AdwareAlert
* AdwareBlaster
* AdwareBlocker
* AdwareCatch
* AdwareCatcher
* AdwareCheck
* AdwareChecker
* AdwareCleaner
* AdwareCrusher
* AdwareDelete
* AdwareDeluxe
* AdwareDestroyer
* AdwareDetect
* AdwareEradicator
* AdwareEraser
* AdwareFinder
* AdwareFlush
* AdwareFlusher
* AdwareGuard
* AdwareGuardian
* AdwareHunter
* AdwareInspector
* Adware-Nuker
* AdwarePatrol
* AdwarePolice
* AdwarePro
* AdwarePunisher
* AdwareRemover
* AdwareSafe
* AdwareSafety
* AdwareSanitizer
* AdwareScanner
* AdwareScrub
* AdwareScrubber
* AdwareSheriff
* AdwareShield
* AdwareShredder
* AdwareSpy
* AdwareSquash
* AdwareSquasher
* AdwareStopper
* AdwareStriker
* AdwareSweep
* AdwareSweeper
* AdwareTerminator
* AdwareTools
* AdwareWasher
* AdwareWatch
* AdwareWipe
* AdwareX
* AdwareX Eliminator
* AdwareZapper
* Ad-Where 2005
* Agent Spyware
* AgentSpyware
* AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover
* AGuardDog Suite
* AlertSpy
* AlfaCleaner
* ANG AntiVirus 09
* Anti Virus Pro
* AntieSpiaDorado
* AntieSpionsPack
* AntiGusanos2008
* AntiMalware 2009
* AntiMalwareGuard
* AntiMalwareSuite
* AntiRogue Killer (AntiRogueKiller)
* AntiSpionage
* AntiSpionagePro
* AntiSpy
* AntiSpy Advanced
* Antispy Protector 2009
* AntiSpyBoss
* AntiSpyCheck
* AntiSpyGolden
* AntiSpyGuard
* AntiSpyKit
* AntiSpyPro
* AntispySpider
* AntiSpyStorm
* AntiSpyStorm2008
* Antispyware 2008 XP (Antispyware2008XP)
* AntiSpyware 3000
* Anti-Spyware Blocker
* Antispyware Expert
* Antispyware Pro 2009
* Antispyware PRO XP
* AntiSpyware Protector
* AntiSpyware Soldier
* Antispyware Suite
* Antispyware3000
* AntiSpywareBot
* AntiSpywareControl
* AntiSpywareDeluxe
* Antispywareexpert
* AntiSpywareGuard
* AntiSpywareMaster
* AntiSpywareShield
* AntiSpywareSuite
* AntiSpywareUpdates
* AntiSpywareXP 2009
* AntiSpyZone
* AntiThiefWare
* AntiVer2008
* AntiVermeans
* AntiVermins
* AntiVerminser
* Antivir64
* AntivirDoc
* AntiVirGear
* AntiVirProtect
* Antivirus ‘09
* Antivirus 2008 PRO
* Antivirus 2008 XP (Antivirus2008XP)
* Antivirus 2009
* Antivirus 2009 Plus
* Antivirus 2010
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus 360
* Antivirus Agent Pro
* Anti-Virus and Spyware
* Anti-Virus and Trojan
* Antivirus Email
* AntiVirus Gold
* AntiVirus Golden
* AntiVirus Lab 2009
* Antivirus Master (AV Master)
* Anti-Virus Number 1
* Antivirus Plasma
* Antivirus Plus
* Antivirus Pro 2009 AntivirusPro 2009
* Antivirus Protection
* AntiVirus Protector
* Antivirus Security
* Antivirus Sentry
* Antivirus Solution
* Antivirus System Pro
* Antivirus XP 2008 (AntivirusXP2008)
* Antivirus XP Pro
* Antivirus XP Pro 2009
* AntiVirusAdvance
* AntivirusBest
* AntivirusForAll
* AntivirusGold
* AntiVirusPCSuite
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntivirusTrigger
* AntiWorm2008
* AntiWurm2008
* AnyCleaner
* ArmorWall
* ASC-AntiSpyware
* Astrum Antivirus Pro
* AV Antispyware
* AVCare
* AVSystemCare
* Awola
* Barracuda Antivirus
* BazookaBar
* BestGuardPlatinum
* BestsellerAntivirus
* BlockDefense
* Botsquash
* BPS Security Console
* BPS Spyware & Adware Remover
* BPS Spyware Remover
* BraveSentry
* BreakSpyware
* BugDoctor
* BugsDestroyer
* CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005
* CleanerMaster
* CleanX
* CoffeeCup Spyware Remover
* Computer Defender 2009
* Consumer Identity
* ContentEraser
* Contraviro
* ContraVirus
* Copperhead AntiSpyware
* CryptDrive
* CurePcSolutions Anti-Spyware
* CyberDefender
* DataHealer
* DefenseAntiMalware
* Defenza
* Deus Cleaner
* DIARemover
* DioCleaner
* DiscErrorFree
* DisqudurProtection
* Doctor Adware
* Doctor Adware Pro
* Doctor Alex
* Doctor Antivirus 2008
* DoctorAdwarePro
* DoctorCleaner
* DoctorVaccine
* DrAntispy
* Draze Toolbar
* DriveCleaner
* DriveCleaner 2006
* DrProtection
* eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign
* EAdwareKiller
* EAdwareRemoval
* EAdwareRemover
* EAntiSpyware
* eAntivirusPro
* Easy Erase Spyware Remover
* Easy SpyRemover
* Easy Spyware Killer
* Easy Spyware Scanner
* EasySprinter
* Elimiware
* Emco Malware Bouncer
* ErrClean
* Error Doctor 2008
* Error Fix (ErrorFix)
* Error Fixer
* Error Scan and Fix
* ErrorDigger
* ErrorDoctor
* ErrorInspector
* ErrorKiller
* ErrorNuker
* ErrorProtector
* ErrorSafe
* ESpywareBlocker
* ESpywareDefender
* ESpywareKiller
* ESpywareRemoval
* ESpywareRemover
* ESpywareScanner
* ETD Security Scanner
* Evidence Eliminator
* Evidence Eraser Pro
* E-Wall Antivirus
* ExpertAntivirus
* eXPress Antivirus
* eXPress Antivirus 2009
* Extra Antivir
* Extra Antivirus
* EZVideo
* Fast Antivirus 09 (FastAntivirus 09)
* FastCleaner
* FileFix
* Files Secure 2.2
* Filterprogram
* FiltroDeTrojan
* Fix Registry Errors
* Fix Tool
* FixerAntispy
* Fixiter
* Flobo Free Anti Spyware Clean
* Flobo Spyware Clean
* Free Spyware Adware Scanner and Remover
* AntiSpyware
* Froggie Scan
* FullSystemProtection
* GarbageClean
* General Antivirus
* GoldenAntiSpy
* GoodbyeSpy
* GuardBar
* GuardCenter
* Guard-X 2009
* HardDiskVakt
* HDriveSweeper
* HitSpy
* HitVirus
* Home Antivirus 2010
* HomeAntivirus 2009
* IC Spyware Scanner
* IE AntiVirus
* IE Defender
* IE-Security
* IHateAdware
* InfeStop
* Intelinet Anti-Spyware
* Intelligent Spyware Cleaner
* Internet Antivirus
* Internet Cleanup
* InternetAntiSpy
* InternetShield
* iSafe AntiVirus
* iSpyKiller
* JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer
* KaZaaP
* Keep Your Privacy
* KeineGefahr
* KillAllSpyware
* KillAndClean
* KillSpy
* KnowHowProtection
* KVMSecureis
* LastDefender
* LiveAntispy
* LiveKill
* LiveProtect
* LiveProtection
* MacroAV
* MagicAntispy
* Malware Bell
* Malware Catcher
* Malware Defender 2009
* Malware Destructor
* Malware Doctor
* Malware Scanner
* Malware Stopper
* MalwareAlarm
* MalwareBot
* MalwareBurn
* MalwareCleaner
* MalwareCore
* MalwareDestructor
* MalwareDoc
* MalwarePatrol Pro
* MalwarePro
* MalwareProtector 2008
* MalwareScanner
* MalwareStopper
* MalwaresWipeds
* MalwareWar
* MalwareWipe
* MalwareWipe Pro
* MalwareWiped
* MalwareWiper
* Malwarrior
* MalWhere
* Max Privacy Protector
* MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser)
* MenaceRescue
* MenaceSecure
* MicroAntivirus (Micro Antivirus 2009)
* Mr.AntiSpy
* MS Antispyware 2009
* MS Antivirus
* My Privacy
* My Supervisor
* MyBugFreePc
* MyNetProtector
* MyPCTuneUp
* MySpyFreePC
* MySPyProtector
* NadadeVirus
* Nano Antivirus
* NeoSpace
* Neospace Internet Security
* NetBrowserPro
* Netcom3 Cleaner
* NetPumper
* NetSpyProtector
* NoAdware
* Norton Security Scan
* No-Spy / Sin-EspÃas ** (ver nota 1)
* NoSpyX
* NoWayVirus
* Online Privacy Pro
* OnlineGuard
* OrantieSpion
* OSBOdyGuard
* Oxford Spyware Remover
* Page Cannot Be Displayed
* PAL Emergency Response
* PAL Spyware Remover
* PAntispyware09
* PC AdWare SpyWare Removal
* PC Antispyware 2010
* PC Defender 2008
* PC Error Eliminator
* PC Health Plan
* PC Protection Center 2008
* PC Security 2009
* PCAntiMalware
* Pc-Antispyware
* PCArmor
* Pc-Cleaner
* PCCleaner 2007
* pcOrion
* PCPrivacyCleaner
* PCPrivacyDefender
* PcSecureSystem
* PCSleek Error Cleaner
* PCVirusless
* Perfect Defender 2009
* PerfectCleaner
* PerformanceOptimizer
* Personal Antivirus
* Personal Defender 2009
* PestBot
* PestCapture
* Pest-Patrol
* PestProtector
* PestSweeper
* PestTrap
* PestWiper
* PornoPlayer
* Power Antivirus 2009
* Privacy Center
* Privacy Champion
* Privacy Commander
* Privacy Components
* Privacy Crusader
* Privacy Defender
* Privacy Fusion
* Privacy Keeper
* Privacy Protection Suite
* Privacy Redeemer
* Privacy Tools 2004
* Privacy Tools Pack
* PrivacyCrusader
* PrivacyGuardPro
* PrivacyProtector
* PrivacyRedeemer
* PrivacyWatcher
* Pro Antispyware 2009
* ProAntiSpy
* Protect Your Identity
* ProtectingTool
* Protection System
* PSGuard
* PureSafetyHere
* PurityScan / PuritySweep
* PyroAntiSpy 2.2
* QuickCleaner
* Rapid Antivirus 2009
* RapidAntivirus
* RaptorDefence
* RazeSpyware
* Real AdWareRemoverGold
* Real AntiSpyware
* Real Antivirus
* Real Antivirus
* RealAV
* RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover
* RegFix Pro
* RegFreeze
* Registry Cleaner
* Registry Defender Platinum
* Registry Doc 2006
* Registry Doctor
* Registry Doctor 2008
* Registry Fix It
* Registry Optimizer 2007
* Registry Repair 2006
* RegistryCare
* RegistryCleanerXP
* RegistryCleanFixer
* RegistryFox
* RegTool
* RemedyAntiSpy
* RemoveIT Pro
* Renus 2008
* RescateDeAmenazas
* Restore My Files
* Safe & Clean (Scan & Clean)
* SafeAndClean
* Safeguard 2009
* SafePcTool
* SaferScan
* SafeStrip
* SafetyCenter
* SafeWebSurfer
* SamuraiSpy
* SaveDefense
* SaveKeep
* SaveSoldier
* Scan & Repair Utilities 2006
* Scan and Repair Utilities 2007
* ScanSpyware
* Scumware-Remover
* SearchAndDestroy
* Secret Service
* Secure Expert Cleaner
* SecureMyPC
* Security 2009
* Security Central
* Security iGuard
* Security Mechanic
* Security Scanner 2008
* SiteTicket
* SlimShield
* Smart Antivirus 2009 (SmartAntivirus2009)
* Smart Defender Pro
* Smart Protector
* Smart Virus Eliminator
* SmartSecurity
* Smitfraud
* SmitfraudFixTool
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpamBlockerUtility
* SpwareRemoval
* SpwareRemover
* Spy Analyst
* Spy Annihilator
* Spy Cleaner Platinum
* Spy Crusher
* Spy Defence
* Spy Detector
* Spy Emergency 2005
* Spy Guardian Pro
* Spy iBlock
* Spy Officer
* Spy Reaper
* Spy Shredder
* Spy Sniper
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Sniper Pro
* Spy Stalker
* Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro
* SpyAdvanced
* SpyAssassin
* SpyAssault
* SpyAway
* SpyAxe
* SpyBan
* SpyBeware
* SpyBlast
* Spy-Block
* SpyBlocs/
* SpyBouncer
* SpyBurn
* SpyBuster
* SpyButcher
* SpyClean
* SpyCleaner
* SpyContra
* Spy-Control
* SpyCrush
* SpyCut
* SpyDawn
* SpyDeface
* SpyDeleter
* SpyDemolisher
* SpyDestroy Pro
* SpyDevastator
* SpyDoctor
* SpyEliminator
* SpyFalcon
* SpyFerret
* SpyFighter
* SpyFighterPro
* SpyFirewall
* SpyFlusher
* SpyGuarder
* SpyGuardian Pro
* SpyHazard
* SpyHeal
* SpyHunter
* SpyiBlock
* SpyiKiller
* Spyinator
* Spy-Kill
* SpyKiller
* SpyKiller 2005
* SpyKillerPro
* SpyLax
* SpyLocked
* SpyMarshal
* SpyMaxx
* SpyNoMore
* SpyOfficer
* SpyOnThis
* SpyOnThis
* Spy-Out
* SpyProtector Spy Protector
* SpyPry
* SpyReaper
* SpyRemover
* Spy-Rid
* SpySanitizer
* SpySheriff
* SpyShield
* Spy-SHield
* SpyShredder
* SpySnipe
* SpySoap
* SpySoldier
* SpySpotter
* SpySquash
* SpyStriker
* SpyToaster
* SpyTrooper
* SpyVampire
* SpyVest
* SpyViper
* Spyware & Adware Removal
* Spyware & Pest Remover
* Spyware & Pop-Up Utility
* Spyware Annihilator
* Spyware Annihilator Pro
* Spyware B1aster
* Spyware Bomber
* Spyware C.O.P.
* Spyware Catch
* Spyware Cleaner
* Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker
* Spyware Cops
* Spyware Defense
* Spyware Destroyer
* Spyware Detector
* Spyware Disinfector
* Spyware Fighter
* Spyware Guard 2008
* Spyware Guard 2009
* Spyware Hospital
* Spyware Immobilizer
* Spyware IT
* SpyWare Killer
* Spyware Knight
* Spyware Medic
* Spyware Nuker
* Spyware Nuker XT
* Spyware Protect 2009
* Spyware Protection Pro
* Spyware Quake
* Spyware Removal Wizard
* Spyware Remover (
* Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced)
* Spyware Scrapper
* SpyWare Secure
* Spyware Seizer
* Spyware Sheriff
* Spyware Shield
* Spyware Slayer
* Spyware Sledgehammer
* Spyware Snooper
* Spyware Soft Stop
* Spyware Stormer
* Spyware Striker Pro
* Spyware Suite 2005
* Spyware Terminator 4 (de
* Spyware Vanisher
* Spyware Wizard
* SpywareAnnihilatorPro
* SpywareAssassin
* SpywareAvenger
* SpywareBeGone
* SpywareBomb
* SpywareBot
* SpywareButcher
* SpywareCleaner
* SpywareCrusher
* SpywareDetector
* SpywareFlusher
* SpywareHeal
* SpywareHound
* SpywareIsolator
* SpywareKill
* SpywareKilla
* SpywareKnight
* SpywareLocked
* SpywareLocker
* SpywareNo!
* SpywarePolice
* SpywarePro
* SPYwareRemover
* SpywareRemover 2009
* SpywareScanner 2008
* SpywareScrub
* Spyware-Secure
* SpywareSeeker
* SpywareShield
* SpywareSoftStop
* SpywareSquash
* SpywareSterilizer
* SpywareStop
* Spyware-Stop
* SpywareStrike
* Spyware-Sweeper
* SpywareSweeperPro
* SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System
* SpywareThis
* SpywareWipe
* SpywareXP
* SpywareZapper
* SpyWatchE
* SpyWiper
* Spyzooka
* StartGuard
* StopGuard
* StopingSpy
* StopItBlockIt 2005
* StorageProtector
* SunShine Spy
* SunShineSpy
* Super Spyware Remover
* SuperSpywareKiller
* SwiftCleaner
* SysAntivirus 2009
* SysKontroller
* SysProtect
* System Antivirus 2008
* System Detective
* System doctor
* System Guard 2009
* System Guard Center
* System Live Protect
* System Protector
* System Security 2009
* System Tuner
* SystemBooster2009
* SystemDefender
* SystemDoctor
* SystemErrorFixer
* SystemSecurity
* SystemStable
* TeoSoft Anti-Spyware
* Terminator 2009
* Terminexor
* The Adware Hunter
* The SpyGuard
* The Spyware Detective
* The Spyware Shield
* The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover
* The Web Shield
* TheSpyBot
* TheSpywareKiller
* Titan AntiSpyware
* TitanShield AntiSpyware
* Top10Reviews SpyScan
* Total Defender
* Total Protect 2009
* Total Secure2009
* Total Security
* Total Virus Protection
* Trace Sweeper (TraceSweeper)
* Trojan Guarder Gold
* TrojanerFilter
* TrojansFilter
* TrojansFiltre
* TrojansKiller
* True Sword
* TrueWatch
* Trust Cleaner
* TrustedAntivirus
* TrustedProtection
* TrustNinja
* TrustSoft AntiSpyware
* TZ Spyware Adware Remover
* TZ Spyware Remover
* UControl
* Ultimate Antivirus 2008
* Ultimate Cleaner
* Ultimate Defender
* Ultimate Fixer
* UltimateCleaner
* UltimateCleaner 2007
* Ultimatefixer2007
* Ultimate-Spyware Adware Remover
* Ultra Antivir 2009
* Ultra Antivirus 2009
* Unigray
* UnSpyPC
* Unvirex
* VBouncer/AdDestroyer
* Vip Antispyware
* VIPAntiSpyware
* Virus Doctor
* Virus Remover Professional
* Virus Shield
* Virus Sweeper
* VirusAlarma
* VirusBlast
* VirusBlaster
* VirusBlasters
* VirusBurst
* VirusBursters
* VirusEffaceur
* VirusGuard
* VirusHeal
* Virus-Kill
* VirusLocker
* VirusMelt
* VirusProtect
* VirusProtectPro 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 3.7
* VirusRanger
* VirusRay
* VirusRemover 2009
* VirusRescue
* VirusResponse Lab 2009
* Virusschlacht
* VirusTrigger
* Vista Antivirus 2008 (VistaAntivirus 2008)
* Vitae Antivirus
* WareOut Spyware Remover
* WebSafe Spyware Secure
* WebSpyShield
* Win Antivir 2008 (WinAntivir 2008)
* WinAntiSpyware 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntispyware 2008
* WinAntivirus 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008
* WinAntiVirus Pro 2006
* Winantivirus pro 2007
* WinAntivirusVista-XP
* WinBlueSoft
* WinCleaner 2009
* Wincleaner AntiSpyware
* WinDefender 2009
* Windows AntiVirus (Windows AntiVirus 2008)
* Windows Antivirus Pro
* Windows Protection Suite
* Windows Security Suite
* Windows System Suite
* WinFix Master
* WinFixer
* WinFixer 2005
* WinFixMaster / WinFix Master
* Winhound Spyware Remover
* WiniBlueSoft
* WiniFighter
* WiniGuard
* WiniShield
* Winkeeper
* WinPC Antivirus
* WinPC Defender
* WinPerformance
* WinProtector 3.8 (Win Protector 3.8)
* Winreanimator
* winsecureav
* WinSecureAv
* WinSecureDisc
* WinSOS
* WinSpyControl
* WinSpyKiller
* WinSpywareProtect
* Winweb Security
* WinX Security Center 2.2
* WinXDefender
* Winxprotector
* WorldAntiSpy
* X-Con Spyware Destroyer
* Xmembytes AntiSpyware
* XP Antispyware 2009
* XP Antivirus (XP Antivirus 2008)
* XP Deluxe Protector
* XP Police Antivirus
* XP Protector 2009
* XPAntivirus
* XpCleanerPro
* XpCleanerPro
* XPert Antivirus
* XP-Shield
* XpyBurner
* Xspyware
* X-Spyware
* XSRemover
* XXXAccess
* YourPrivacyGuard
* ZeroSpyware
* Zinaps Anti-Spyware
* ZoneProtect AntiSpyware
how to overcome fake Antivirus
to eradicate this fake antivirus, can not be done only with one kind of antivirus software, should be done with a combination of some software. In general, the way to eradicate most of the antivirus is as follows:
1. Restart your computer and go into safe mode with networking (by pressing the F8 key just before the entrance to the windows)
2. Install and run SuperAntiSpyware
3. Restart your PC and go back into safe mode with networking
4. Install MalwareBytes and run a full system scan
5. Restart the PC once again and use your own antivirus (I recommend using the Microsoft Security Essentials)
Ok, Hope Can Help comrades all.
Diposting oleh
This virus works by pretending to act as antiviral, when in fact the virus in different forms, the way it works is when the fake antivirus is installed on the PC then he would switch the function of antiviral into virus infecting your pc.
The following list is a fake anti-virus.
1. Cyber Security
2. Alpha Antivirus
3. Windows Enterprise Suite
4. Security Center
5. Control Center
6. Braviax
7. Windows Police Pro
8. Antivirus Pro 2010
9. PC Antispyware 2010
10. FraudTool.MalwareProtector.
12. Green AV
13. Windows Protection Suite
14. Total Security 2009
15. Windows System Suite
16. Antivirus BEST
17. System Security
18. Personal Antivirus
19. System Security 2009
20. Malware Doctor
21. Antivirus System Pro
22. WinPC Defender
23. Anti-Virus-1
24. Spyware Guard 2008
25. System Guard 2009
26. Antivirus 2009
27. Antivirus 2010
28. Antivirus Pro 2009
29. Antivirus 360 and
30. MS Antispyware 2009
I think you are smart enough to tell which antivirus antivirus genuine and which false.
Here's a list of antivirus original:
1.Bitdefender Antivirus
2.Kaspersky Antivirus
3.Webroot Antivirus
4.Norton Antivirus
5.ESET Nod32 Antivirus
6.AVG Antivirus
7.G Data Antivirus
8.Avira Antivirus
9.Vipre Antivirus
10.Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus
This virus works by pretending to act as antiviral, when in fact the virus in different forms, the way it works is when the fake antivirus is installed on the PC then he would switch the function of antiviral into virus infecting your pc.
The following list is a fake anti-virus.
1. Cyber Security
2. Alpha Antivirus
3. Windows Enterprise Suite
4. Security Center
5. Control Center
6. Braviax
7. Windows Police Pro
8. Antivirus Pro 2010
9. PC Antispyware 2010
10. FraudTool.MalwareProtector.
12. Green AV
13. Windows Protection Suite
14. Total Security 2009
15. Windows System Suite
16. Antivirus BEST
17. System Security
18. Personal Antivirus
19. System Security 2009
20. Malware Doctor
21. Antivirus System Pro
22. WinPC Defender
23. Anti-Virus-1
24. Spyware Guard 2008
25. System Guard 2009
26. Antivirus 2009
27. Antivirus 2010
28. Antivirus Pro 2009
29. Antivirus 360 and
30. MS Antispyware 2009
32.Defence Center (Home PC)
33.Antivirus .NET
34.Antivirus Scan
35.Advance Antivirus Remover
Here's a list of antivirus original:
1.Bitdefender Antivirus
2.Kaspersky Antivirus
3.Webroot Antivirus
4.Norton Antivirus
5.ESET Nod32 Antivirus
6.AVG Antivirus
7.G Data Antivirus
8.Avira Antivirus
9.Vipre Antivirus
10.Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus