kinds of errors on the computer
There may never know meaning and purpose of an error message that appears on your PC, which you know for sure kabanyakan most just need the restart, but mean your PC is not what you think.
I'll try to Share about your PC mean why give Error message on her all the error messages that could lead to the System or your PC hardware.

Attempted Write To Readonly Memory (stop code 0X000000BE)Usually the problem is due to an error in the driver or service. If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). And browse to the driver in accordance with its Operating System.
Bad Pool Caller (stop code 0x000000C2)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. Additionally, this error can also be caused by faulty hardware / disability. If you encounter this message while upgrading to Windows, it may mean that the hardware is not compatible with Windows. Try disconnecting devices, or looking for a suitable driver for Windwos her.
Data Bus Error (stop code 0x0000002E)This problem is usually caused because there is damage / defects in the hardware, usually memory. In addition to defects in memory could also be due to damage to the motherboard, hard drive, replace the hardware ...
Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal (stop code 0x000000D1)Caused drivers to access hardware address that is not appropriate. Can also be caused by problems such as the "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. See a problem "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory" above.
Driver Power State Failure (stop code 0X0000009F)Caused not suitable / compatible between the "computer's power management" with the drivers or services that are running. Commonly occurs when the computer is doing "hibernation". If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). Or try to disable 'Windows' support for power management ".
Driver Unloaded Without canceling Pending Operations (stop code 0X000000CE)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above. See a problem "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory" above.
Driver Used Excessive PTEs (stop code 0X000000D)Look at the problem of "No More System PTEs," below.
Hardware Interrupt Storm (stop code 0X000000F2)Problems arise when a hardware (USB or SCSI controller) fails to "remove" an IRQ. Failure is usually caused by problems in the driver. Besides these problems can also arise because of the two devices use the same IRQ.
Inaccessible Boot Device (stop code 0x0000007B)Usually this problem arises at Windows startup if Windows can not read data on the system boot partition. Can also be caused by hard disk errors, defects boot.ini file (corrupted). If there is no problem on the disk drive, partition and the boot.ini file (when the two Operating Systems installed) try to check the boot settings in the BIOS. If this problem munculketika're doing an upgrade of Windows, it may mean that the hardware is not compatible with Windows. Try disconnecting devices, or looking for a suitable driver for Windwos her.
Kernel Data Inpage Error (stop code 0X0000007A)Problems arise in virtual memory, usually because windows can not read or write data to the swap file. Possible causes include bad sectors, virus, memory defects, or even damage the motherboard.Kernel Stack Inpage Error (stop code 0X00000077)The cause is similar to the problem of "Kernel Data Inpage Error," above.
Kmode Exception Not Handled (stop code 0x0000001E)Usually the problem is due to an error in the driver or service, konfilk IRQ. If the file name and the service is specified, try uninstalling the software or driver (rolling back the driver). This problem can also be caused due to lack of space on the disk during installation.
No More System PTEs (stop code 0X0000003F)The problem arises because Windows shortage of Page Table Entries (PTEs). PTEs are used to perform mapping RAM. Where the mapping is done by the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM). This problem can also arise when you use multiple monitors.If this error often, try to increase the allocation for PTEs on Windows in the following way: I· Open the Registry Editor.· View at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro l \ Session Manager \ Memory Management· Double-click on PagedPoolSize, enter its value 0, click OK.· Then double-click on the SystemPages. If using multiple monitors, enter a value of 36000. Also enter a value of 40 000 if the RAM of 128MB or less. If the RAM 128MB or more enter a value of 110 000.· Once finished, click OK, close the Registry Editor and restart the computer. when you're done. The change take effect Pls Will you restart Windows.
NTFS File System (stop code 0x00000024)Error due to the problems reported by Ntfs.sys (driver functions to read and write NTFS). If you are still using FAT 32 file system, an error message which arise will be similar (stop code 0X00000023). This problem can be overcome by replacing your hard drive.
Page Fault In Nonpaged Area (stop code 0x00000050)The cause of this problem is similar to the problem of "Attempted Write To Readonly Memory," above.
Status Image Checksum Mismatch (stop code 0xc0000221)Possible causes of this error is damage to the swap file, or a corrupted driver.
Solution 1: You can use Driver Rollback or System Restore from safe mode, to restore the previous driver. You also can use Windows XP Professional recovery features such as the Last Known Good Configuration startup option, Backup, or Automated System Recovery to restore the previous working configuration. After returning from the backup media, you may need to reapply service packs or hotfixes, depending on when the backups done.
Solution 2: If the Stop message names a specific file, try replacing it manually with a copy of Windows XP Professional operating system CD in safe mode or Recovery Console. For systems that use FAT16 or FAT32 file system, you have the option to use Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition Emergency Boot Disk to access the hard disk.If the original file from the operating system CD has a file name that ends with an underscore (_) character, you can not use files to uncompressed. Recovery Console's Copy command is ideal for copying compressed files because it detects and expands them. If you do not specify a destination file name, you must rename the expanded file with the correct extension before using it. From safe mode or Recovery Console, you can use the Expand command to uncompress and copy files to the destination location. In Recovery Console, the expanded files are named correctly after being copied to the destination location. For more information about the Copy or Expand commands, see Windows XP Help and Support Centre.
Status System Process terminated (stop code 0Xc000021A)Caused a problem with Winlogon.exe or the Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS). Can also be caused by a user with administrator-level permissions to change an important files on Windows systems.
Unexpected Kernel Mode Trap (stop code 0x0000007F)This error is generally caused by defective memory, motherboard or damage prossesor high temperatures (usually happen because of overclocking).
Unmountable Boot Volume (stop code 0X000000ED)Caused because Windows can not "mount" boot volume. See also the section "Boot Device inaccessible,"
Maybe it's better you write down this type of error message and you save it in Notepad or whatever that is easy to see when this error message appears.
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