9 steps to protect your computer from viruses sharpshooter

| Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

There are many ways that we can do to make our computers safe from virus attacks, either in nature or that are slow merusak.Banyak thought about the possibility that we only antivirus that can handle all the problems associated with viruses, but not our own way because computers have is equipped with facilities that can counteract the virus itself.
Currently, the Internet and other network facilities is possible computer virus is rapidly growing computer and intensive. Every day several new viruses that can damage your computer system will appear. While antivirus software is always updated definitely miss it, because after the new virus appeared some time later on for antivirus. So we will keep your computer on the attack first before appeared antivirus. Viruses can enter into the computer in a different way. That is why there is no simple method to protect the system. Only a series of measures to provide reliable protection from infection. Here are 9 steps to protect MS Windows based PC system from viruses.
1. Make backups on a regular basis.
Should note that there is no absolutely safe way of protection. Creator of the virus will always find holes in new computer products for use neginfeksi their computer systems. Some viruses are malicious enough to damage data files or even delete the entire file system. Make regular backups of your data files to separate storage device. Try to save on a separate hard drive, flash card, compact disc or other storage device file that you selected. To ease the procedure, you can use some automatic backup software. And be prepared if the system will die because of a viral infection.
2. Ready to reinstall your system if damaged by a virus.
Prepare your operating system software and distributives software you use and stick together, for example, the OS and drivers CD computers and other equipment drivers. In this case if a virus infection will cause the failure of the system quickly restored with the media you can reinstall your computer system.
3. Protect your network connection with a firewall.
A firewall is a software which blocks suspicious connections and prevent the virus to penetrate your network into the system. Windows XP system is too simple but reliable built-in firewall. You can activate it in the following manner.

In Control Panel, double-click Networking and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.
Right-click the connection you want to activate the firewall, and then click Properties.
On the Advanced tab, click the Windows Firewall Settings box
When the Windows Firewall window appears, centrang option On (Recommended)
If you need more flexible control with the network connection, you can get and install the software more sophisticated firewalls such as Norton Personal Firewall or Outpost Firewall. If you use this software you have the ability to allow or block certain connections and to monitor network activity.
4. Use antivirus software.
Installing antivirus software will scan your system to find and remove viruses on a regular basis. The leader in antivirus software products for Windows systems are Norton Antivirus, McAfee, Kaspersky Anti-Virus and PC-cilin.
5. Regularly update your operating system.
Windows XP has a built-in automatic update service. Regularly contacts Microsoft server to find updates and notifies you if updates are ready to be installed. Critical updates because hackers regularly find holes in the operating system that is often used by virus creators (Very handy for those of you who use Windows Original).
6. Do not install and run software suspicious.
Check the new programs would you install anti-virus software. Do not download software from suspicious websites. To download the software are always looking for a website creator software or authorized distributor. Do not use applications that are received via email from strangers.
7. Restrict access to your computer.
Protect with a password entered into the system, ie with a user password in order when you get to the windows system must log the user name and password
8. If you use Internet Explorer, try switching to another browser.
Since IE is the browser most often been the target or the use the creator of the virus is actively using a flaw in security system to infect computers. Infection may arise if you would visit a Web page that contains malicious code invisible. You are more secure if you use a browser that is less well known simply because the virus is not a lot of attention on these Brows. IE's main competitor is Firefox and Opera browsers now provide the same convenient interface and range of services to work on the Web.
9. Use spam protection.
Viruses are often distributed via email. Activate the spam filter in your email box to block received spam. If you need assistance with the use of filters, you can ask your email service provider.
The most important thing for you is not too much surf the internet with no purpose jelas.Terutama sites that most people are looking for.
and my advice as an additional use antivirus protection that can be updated at any time, do not use ativirus which is free, because antivirus that such updates are not comprehensive and certainly there is a section that they lose or can not be updated until the antivirus is full.

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