how do I bring up the data on the virus hide

| Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

None of the most annoying thing and make us dizzy, in addition to viruses is when we realize our data files go away
If you have ever experienced loss of data on your hard drive or flash a result of the virus, Actually the file is not lost, but hidden (hiden).
There are two ways to view hidden files by virus that is
By using tools from the windows
Window has the facility to hide the data and also to show the data that is hidden, how:
1. Right-click My Computer and then click Explorer2. Click the Tools menu and click Folder Options3. Click the View tab4. Centrang Show hidden files and folders.5. Then Click Ok
But this method sometimes fails, because some viruses will obstruct your desire, whenever you setingannya Ok, then will return to the hiden, usually a virus that attacks the virus conficker, Win32 virus Newheur Sality and 9, in order to view the file or folder on hiden by this virus, you must remove the virus first.
2. With the help of third party software
The other way is to use software assistance. There are plenty of software to be able to see the files in the hiden by the virus, in this post discussed using Hidden File Tool 2.0 software
Benefits Hidden Files Tool
There are some benefits you can get from this software, namely:

Restores can find and document files or folders are hidden by the virus. But maybe you will not be able to find files with file extensions actually, because normally the virus will change the file extension or important data in the flash with the extension of the virus and hide the original file or folder. If the flash capacity is low but not seen a lot of data or missing data, we can try to use this software to display hidden files (select the Hidden attribute when looking for). Once found we can make it appear again by selecting the files / folders that appear in search results list, then on the Set Attribute remove all check marks and click APPLY. Description successful or not will be shown in column information
With a similar technique as above, we can set for files or folders to be hidden, how to select files / folders from the list / search results and from the menu select Set Attribute Hidden (can choose also the System and Read only), then click APPLY
If we want to look for files with certain extensions only, fill in the filter file extensions. If more than one separate them with a semicolon (;), for example: *. txt, *. rtf, *. doc.

Good luck

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