Without any deadly virus Antivirus

| Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

When a few years or months ago, when Brontok virus and its variants are also Trojan horse attacks and booming all over the world, many of my friends are confused and panicked because ternamanya anti-virus could not detect this virus. Similarly, the next local viruses are increasingly implicated at that time. And it turned out I had then experienced it, my computer was finally exposed as well as time.
as long as I am using Widows XP, I have the most effective tricks to remove viruses or eradicate these local virus quickly, easily and easy. And the following tips and tricks have always managed to save my computer from further damage due to viruses. Whatever the type of virus.
From some of my reading about how to eliminate the virus that I got from the internet like vaksin.com site, I often did not even implement the suggestions given in the manual remove viruses. Often the advice given by eliminates virus antivirus some sites even tell us to turn off the feature restore point and go into safe mode, from there then we try to remove the virus manually. This of course requires more expertise and often tiring and frustrating for the beginner like me.
So what I do. I often suspect my computer when exposed to the virus. My computer is not working as usual alias becomes very slow or I can also find specific files that are suspicious. Usually those files ending in. Exe. Contohlah case iconnya eagle that same folder, but Windows XP has a file type and extension exe application. This is just one example, if you are already familiar with the computer that accompany almost every week of your activities, a small change unusual is happening on your computer you can know.
Just this week I was also exposed to the virus that I do not know what is real, even the name alone does not know. Anti-virus I am not able to detect. This is because I download a file from a hacking site, its zip file. When I extract did not happen, but when the file I want to try running and then I click two times, it does not show anything. Rather then working my processor is always more than 80%. The result is slowing down my computer. Although no files are destroyed because of this virus but with an infection that affects the work of my processor, which is already small, this makes me even more uncomfortable.
Because I think this virus had entered into memory, I turn off I manually (not through the shut down but I immediately turn off the power button pressed long). In my thinking perhaps this way the virus can be lost from memory and when turned the virus does not work anymore.
Unfortunately, the way I often do with a virus that often infects the memory is not successful. Usually a direct way to manually turn off the virus can be stopped and we just delete the virus (using shift delete, not delete usual). Then a last resort I have often use to overcome all kinds of viruses I have done.
I turn off my antivirus. Then go to the application:
Start>> All Programs>> Accessories> System Tools>> System Restore
It's trivial but actually System Restore is a last resort to eliminate computer viruses that menjakit us, provided we remember when our computers start there is a change not as usual.
This is what I do if I have been desperate to overcome the virus. A note about System Restore. System Restore is a function to restore your settings as before such time the use of your choice. Each time you install or uninstall software, System Restore will usually keep your old setting before you mengistal or uninstall the software. In this way each extension exe or any application that is installed after that will be eliminated or removed. Including the Windows Registry you will be right again. This is what could make the virus disappear from your computer.
This way you certainly do not require the installation of antivirus software on your computer. However, often there are some viruses that automatically turn off the function of these restore points. If this happens do manual shutdown via the power button or unplug your cable aja, or turn off the power term (with the possible risk of damaged files, but usually does not happen it), then boot from safe mode and restore from there to the setting prior to exposure to the virus. Usually managed mainly for the eagle is always successful.
Strangely, I rarely find these tips and tricks dikajian antivirus sites. Instead they sent off the restore feature, then the rather complicated manner described in ways to remove viruses manually. And of course then told we had better buy and wear, which they declared their antivirus can detect and eliminate the virus. Maybe this is a trick they bisni hell.
just info. It would be better if you save your document on a different disk partition, because the virus usually attacks the C partition where your windows system to work. In this way, if your computer is severe and can not be returned due to a virus, you just do reinstall (format and install) your windows again. Of course, the format and install on the partition of C. Thus your data on another partition that is not lost

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