Yahoo Messenger multiple users

| Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Yahoo Messenger Tricks multiple users

Nice indeed if we find something unusual and something that is not normal if you live in the computer world, if you are an employer, including those with something new and different styles ym air does not hurt if you try.

Yahoo Messager, usually can only login with one user on the same computer. But with a little change to change the registry, YM can we allow more than one user logged on the same computer. Of course many other ways and other softwares for this purpose, but it could not hurt to try this cheap alternative.

this way, because we are playing with the register I suggest you to be careful in this regard.

1. Open notepad and type a list of the registry entry as follows:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ yahoo \ pager \ Test]

"Plural" = dword: 00000001

2. Save with a reg extension, for example Multi_User_YM.reg

3. Run by double-clicking on the file

4. YM then try to open more than one user login, if successful, means you're successful

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